
Course Description

This session explores different forms of multiculturalism. There are various approaches to a  multicultural society/school, from exclusion to politics of difference. How do schools respond to  their multicultural community? The last part of the session will encourage participants to reflect on  their practices and answer questions such as:  

  • How do we address multiculturalism in our school?  
  • Which form of multicultural practice does the school apply? 
  • Should we change it?  
  • Why?  
  • How?  

Estimated Lesson Duration: 40 minutes

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Learning Outcomes

 By the end of the session participants will be able to: 

  • Identify different forms of multiculturalism 
  • Outline the multicultural practices that take place in their class and school
  • Categorise the multicultural practices in their class and school according to the different  forms of multiculturalism 

The Session


Go over the PPT presentation on different forms of multiculturalism and approaches. It will give you a theoretical background.

  1. Make a list (A) of all the diversities that exist in your school (culture, faith, abilities, sexual orientations, gender, family constructs, etc. The list has to be specific, e.g. for faith you have to include all religions present).
  2. Make a list (B) of all the activities organised by the school (including outings, mass and extracurricular activities).
  3. Look at list B. Who are the main beneficiaries of these activities? Go over List B and put a  mark against those on list A who will benefit from these activities, or against those for whom these activities are intended (E.g. Mass- Catholics). If these are for the whole school (E.g.  Police Day) do not mark anything.
  4. Once you are ready, what patterns do you see? What does this tell you about the multicultural practices in your school?

How did you and the school in which you work address the issue of having a multicultural population? (This could be, for instance, translating a note, having a migrant hub, and so on). If you had to place it on a ‘Multiculturalism Continuum’, where would you place these practices?

Watch the TedX video: Multiculturalism in the Modern World

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On the basis of all that you did in this session, and the video you have just watched, how would you adjust the practices in your school, in order to reflect the spirit of inclusive practices.