Ibda l-Bidla Modules


Module 2: Hate Speech

Hate Speech Course Description  According to the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), hate speech spreads, incites, promotes or justifies hatred, violence and discrimination against a person or group of persons. Hate speech takes various forms and is an extreme form of intolerance which if unchecked may lead [...]


Module 3: Islamophobia

Islamophobia Course Description A very topical issue, Islamophobia, the fear or hatred of Muslims, takes all sort of forms. This session is divided into three parts. The first part provides the theoretical input about  Islamophobia, the second part will give participants the opportunity to think about and reflect on [...]


Module 4: Multiculturalism

Islamophobia Course Description This session explores different forms of multiculturalism. There are various approaches to a  multicultural society/school, from exclusion to politics of difference. How do schools respond to  their multicultural community? The last part of the session will encourage participants to reflect on  their practices and answer questions [...]


Module 7: Racism

Racism Course Description Racism is very present in our daily lives. Sometimes we might be racist without even meaning to be: a comment we pass, a non-verbal message we express. It is important for us as educators to be self aware first and foremost, and alert to the different [...]

Ibda l-Bidla Activities


Activity 2: Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination and Inclusion

Activity 2: Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination and Inclusion Short Description This session will introduce prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination through a game where participants will select a candidate for a job, without knowing much information about them. The students will also get to think about what it feels like to be [...]


Activity 4: Food, Culture and Multiculturalism

Food, Culture and Multiculturalism Short Description This session will explore the importance of multiculturalism through food. Students will explore the difference between facts and opinions through statements about food. This will lead to a video followed by a discussion on food around the world. The class then will try [...]


Activity 6: Sustainable Development: Mission Earth Intervention

Sustainable Development: Mission Earth Intervention Short Description This session will introduce the Sustainable Development Goals to the class by involving the students to attain a definition of Sustainable Development. A PowerPoint will further introduce the SDGs. An activity will then follow to make students realize that the SDGs are [...]


Activity 7: SDGs – Limited Resources and Taking Action

Sustainable Development Goals: Limited Resources and Taking Action Short Description This session will introduce what can practically happen to common resources if not carefully managed and will introduce the SDGs. An individual fishing/crop taking game is first played by the students. Then a definition of sustainable development is sought [...]


Activity 9: Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals

Activity 9: Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals Short Description This session will explore the interrelation between migration and the SDGs. It will first introduce push and pull factors and a list is created. The SDGs are then introduced to the students who have to decide if that SDG [...]