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Tool M&E up! finds its roots in the shared need to raise the quality of designing and implementing learning activities for young people.

This will help to reach a sustainable impact especially in the fields of active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity and integration on the labour market, all priority directions for the youth sector within the Erasmus+.

Traditional methods of monitoring and evaluation of impact are not fully appropriate to be implemented on the ground, due to lack of knowledge or understanding of M&E among non-specialist implementers, not entirely capable of reflecting both intended and unintended outcomes of the intervention, not participatory or inclusive enough.

Thus this project was created based on the common needs of 9 partners from 8 different countries: Romania, UK, Malta, Macedonia, Slovenia, Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria.


  1. Mobility 1 – Training for youth workers on participatory methods for monitoring and evaluation for impact assessment of learning activities: this activity will develop the capacity of participants to adapt and use creative and participatory methods for monitoring and evaluation of impact for effective design and implementation of learning activities for young people.
  2. Piloting of minimum 9 methods after the training, participants are asked to test some of the tools identified and developed.
  3. Mobility 2 – Transnational seminar that will support the exchange of experience, good practices and the elaboration of participatory methods of monitoring and evaluation for impact in youth work among the countries involved
  4. Elaboration of a short handbook on participatory methods for monitoring and evaluation for impact assessment, that will comprise description of methodology for participatory monitoring and evaluation; description of learning process and outcomes; outcomes of the transnational seminar; project proposals and learned lessons.

For more info on this project, check out the Facebook Page.

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European Youth Workers in Romania (including Maltese representatives)